Thursday, January 30, 2020

Assignment Questions Chapters 5-7 Psychology Essay Example for Free

Assignment Questions Chapters 5-7 Psychology Essay 1. Most current studies aimed at understanding human memory are conducted within a framework known as information-processing theory. This approach makes use of modern computer science and related fields to provide models that help psychologists understand the processes involved in memory. The general principles of the information processing approach to memory include the notion that memory involves three distinct processes. The first process, encoding, is the process of transforming information into a form that can be stored in memory. The second process, storage, is the process of keeping or maintaining information in memory. The final process, retrieval, is the process of bringing to mind information that has been stored in the memory (p.168). Two influential theorists concerning the information-processing theory are Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin. They characterized memory as three different, interacting memory systems: sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory. Sensory memory is the memory system that holds information from the senses for a period of time ranging from only a fraction of a second to about 2 seconds. Sensory memory can take in an enormous amount of information, but it can only hold on to it for a very brief period of time (p.169). Short-term memory is the component of the memory system that holds about seven (from five to nine) items for less than 30 seconds without rehearsal; also called the working memory. When short-term memory is filled to capacity, displacement can occur. In displacement, each new incoming item pushes out an existing item, which is then forgotten (p.170). Long-term memory (LTM) is the memory system with a virtually unlimited capacity that contains vast stores of a persons permanent or relatively permanent memories. There are no known limits to the storage capacity of this memory system, and long-term memories can persist for years, some of them for a lifetime. Information in long-term memory is usually stored in semantic form, although visual images, sounds, and odors can be stored there as well (p.174). 2. The analogy heuristic involves comparing a problem to others you have experienced in the past. The idea is that if a particular strategy worked with similar problems in the past, it will be effective for solving a new one. Another heuristic that is effective for solving some problems is working backward, sometimes called the backward search. This approach starts with the solution, a known condition, and works back through the problem. Once the backward search has revealed the steps to be taken and their order, the problem can be solved (p.207). Another popular heuristic strategy is means-end analysis, in which the current position is compared with a desired goal, and a series of steps are formulated and then taken to close the gap between the two. When you adopt a heuristic strategy, it may or may not lead to a correct solution. By contrast, the algorithm is a problem-solving strategy that always lead to a correct solution if it is applied appropriately (p.208). 3.Research suggests that there are both advantages and disadvantages to learning two languages early in life. One of the pluses is that, among preschool and school-age children, bilingualism, fluency in at least two languages, is associated with better executive control skills on language tasks. Executive control skills enable bilingual children to suppress impulsive responses to verbal tasks and, as a result, think more carefully about them. Thus, executive control skills are important in learning to read and write. On the downside, even in adulthood, bilingualism is sometimes associated with decreased efficiency in memory tasks involving words. However, bilinguals appear to develop compensatory strategies that allow them to make up these inefficiencies. Consequently, they often perform such tasks as accurately as monolinguals, though they may respond more slowly. Researchers have found that there is no age at which it is impossible to learn a new language. While it is true that those who begin earlier reach higher levels of proficiency, age is not the only determining factor (p.214). There is one clear advantage to learning two languages earlier in life, however. People who are younger when they learn a new language are far more likely to be able to speak with an appropriate accent. One reason for this difference between early and late language learners may have to do with slight variations in neural processing in Brocas area, the area of the brain that controls speech production. Research suggests that bilinguals who learned a second language early rely on the same patch of tissue in Brocas area for both of the languages they speak. In those who learned a second language at an older age, two different sections of Brocas are are active while they are performing language tasks (p.215). 4. Charles Spearman observed that people who are bright in one area are usually bright in other areas as well. In other words, they tend to be generally intelligent. Spearman came to believe that intelligence is composed of a general ability that underlies all intellectual functions. Spearman concluded that intelligence tests tap this g factor, or general intelligence, and a number of s factors, or specific intellectual abilities. Spearmans influence can be seen in those intelligence tests, such as the Stanford-Binet, that yield one IQ score to indicate the level of general intelligence. Howard Gardner also denies the existence of a g factor. Instead, he proposes a theory of multiple intelligences that includes eight important forms of intelligence, or frames of mind. The eight frames of mind are linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic. In recent years, he has proposed a ninth type of intelligence, one that he calls existential intelligence, deals with the spiritual realm and enables us to contemplate the meaning of life. He first developed his theory by studying patients with different types of brain damage that affect some forms of intelligence but leaves other intact. The most controversial aspect of Gardners theory is his view that all forms of intelligence are of equal importance. In fact, different cultures assign varying degrees of importance to the types of intelligence (p.216-217). 5. I would perform a fixed-ratio (FR) schedule, in which a reinforcer is given after a fixed number of correct, non reinforced responses. So, if my dog knew that after rolling over correctly ten times without getting reinforced meant that she would get a reinforced after those ten times, she would then learn that after rolling over ten times correctly, she would be reinforced (p.147). In fixed-rate schedules response rates are very high, and the higher the ratio, the more resistant to extinction (p.148). 6. Psycholinguistics is the study of how language is acquired, produced, and used and how the sounds and symbols of language are translated into meaning. Psycholinguists use specific terms for each of the five basic components of language. The smaller units of sound in a spoken language-such as b or s in English-are known as phonemes. Three phonemes together form the sound of the word cat: c (which sounds like k), a, and t. Combinations of letters that form particular sounds are also phonemes, such as the th in the and the ch in child. The same phoneme may be represented by different letters in different words; this occurs with the a in stay and the ei in sleigh. And the same letter can serve as different phonemes. This letter a, for example, is sounded as four different phonemes in day, cap, watch, and law. Morphemes are the smallest units of meaning in a language. A few single phonemes serve as morphemes, such as the article a and the personal pronoun I. The ending -s gives a plural meaning to a word and is thus a morpheme in English. Many words in English are single morphemes-book, word, learn, reason, and so on. In addition to root words, morphemes may be prefixes (such as re- in relearn) or suffixes (such as -ed to show past tense, as in learned). The single morpheme reason becomes a dual morpheme in reasonable. The morpheme book (singular) become two morphemes in books (plural). Syntax is the aspect of grammar that specifies the rules for arranging and combining words to form phrases and sentences. The rules of word order, syntax, differ from one language to another. For example, an important rule of syntax in English is that adjectives usually come before nouns. So English speakers refer to the residence of the U.S. president as the White House. In Spanish, in contrast, the noun usually comes before the advective, and Spanish speakers say la Casa Blanca, or the House White. Semantics refers to the meaning derived from morphemes, words, and sentences. The same word can have different meanings depending on how it is used in sentences: I dont mind. Mind your manners. He has lost his mind. Or consider another example: Loving to read, the young girl read three books last week. Here, the word read is pronounced two different ways, and in one case, is the past tense. Pragmatics, is the term psycholinguists use to refer to aspects of language such as intonation, the rising and falling patterns that are used to express meaning. For example, think about how you would say the single word cookie to express each of the following meanings: Do you want a cookie? or What a delicious looking cookie! or Thats a cookie. The subtle differences reflect your knowledge of the pragmatic rules of English (P.210-211). 7. An intelligence test is a measure of general intellectual ability. An individuals score is determined by how his responses compare to others of his or her age. Thus, intelligence tests are norm-referenced. All psychological tests, including all the various types of tests that measure cognitive ability, are judged according to the same criteria.They must provide consistent results. An intelligence test must have reliability; the test must consistently yield nearly the same score when the same person is tested and then retested on the same test or an alternative form of the test. The higher the correlation between the two scores, the more reliable the test. Tests can be highly reliable but worthless if they are not valid. Validity is the ability or power of a test to measure what it is intended to measure. Once a test is proven to be valid or reliable, the next requirement is norm-referenced standardization. There must be standard procedures for administering and scoring the test. Exactly the same directions must be given, whether written or oral, and the same amount of time must be allowed for every test taker. But even more important, standardization means establishing norms, age-based averages, by which all scores are interpreted. A test is standardized by administering it to a large sample of people who are representative of those who will be taking the test in the future. The groups score are analyzed, and then the average score, standard deviation, percentile rankings, and other measures are computed. These comparative scores become the norms used as the standard against which all other scores on that test are measured. Reliability, validity, and standardization are especially important with regard to intelligence tests because the kinds of decisions that are sometimes based on intelligence test scores can have grave consequences. For example, a few years ago the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that is unconstitutional to execute individuals who have mental retardation. Thus, a psychologist who is charged with the responsibility of administering an intelligence test to a person who will or will not be subject to the death penalty at least partly on the basis of his or her intelligence test score must ensure that the test given is reliable and valid and has been properly standardized. Likewise, childrens scores on these tests are often used to place them in special school programs that, in a very real sense, change the course of their lives for years to come. In fact, such a goal was the impetus for the development of the first standardized intelligence test (p.219). 8. In memory loss there are two broad categories that involves this kind of memory loss, amnesia and dementia. Amnesia is a partial or complete loss of memory due to loss of consciousness, brain damage, or some psychological cause. Unlike the memory disorders that are experienced by some older adults, amnesia can be experienced at any age. In some cases, amnesia takes the form of an inability to store new information. This kind of amnesia is known as anterograde amnesia. Anterograde amnesia is the inability to form long-term memories of events occurring after a brain injury or brain surgery, although memories formed before the trauma are usually intact and short-term memory is unaffected. Some individuals with amnesia can form new memories, but they cannot remember the past, a disorder known as retrograde amnesia. Retrograde amnesia is a loss of memory for experiences that occurred shortly before a loss of consciousness. These people often lack knowledge of themselves and/or the events surrounding the development of their memory loss. It is not unusual for a person to have both retrograde and anterograde amnesia with regard to the events that immediately preceded and followed a serious car crash or other traumatic event (p. 189). Another form of memory loss is dementia. Dementia is a state of mental deterioration characterized by impaired memory and intellect and by altered personality and behavior. Dementia can result from such conditions as cerebral arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries in the brain), chronic alcoholism, and irreversible damage by a small series of strokes. Dementia is most common among older adults. However, diseases such as HIV/AIDS can cause dementia to develop in a younger person as well. About 50 to 60% of all cases of dementia result from Alzheimers disease. This is a progressive deterioration of intellect and personality that results from widespread degeneration of brain cells (p.190). 9. People reconstruct memories, piecing them together using schemas to organize fragments of information, a process that has both advantages and disadvantages. Information that fits with preexisting schemas can be efficiently remembered, but schemas can also introduce distortions into memory. Sir Frederick Bartletts research demonstrated how reconstructive processing changes memory over time (p.178). Most memories do not include source information, so memories for sources must be reconstructed. Source monitoring results in encoding of source memories. Flashbulb memories are different from others in that they always include source information, although the source information is subject to reconstruction changes over time (p.179). Autobiographical memories are reconstructed memories that include factual, emotional, and interpretive elements. They are subject to positive bias (p.180). 10. Bandura suspected that aggression and violence on television programs, including cartoons, tend to increase aggressive behavior in children. In several classic experiments, Bandura demonstrated how children are influenced by exposure to aggressive models. One study involved three groups of preschoolers. Children in one group individually observed an adult model punching, kicking, and hitting a 5-foot, inflated plastic Bobo Doll with a mallet, while uttering aggressive phrases. Children in the second group observed a nonaggressive model who ignored the Bobo Doll and sat quietly assembling Tinker Toys. The children in the control group were placed in the same setting with no adult present. Later, each child was observed through a one-way mirror. Those children exposed to the aggressive model imitated much of the aggression and also engaged in significantly more nonimitative aggression than did children in either of the other groups. The group that observed the nonaggressive model showed less aggressive behavior than the control group. The researchers concluded that of the three experimental conditions, exposure to humans on film portraying aggression was the most influential in eliciting and shaping aggressive behavior (p. 158-159). 11. Experiencing hunger pangs when you smell your favorite food is an example of classic conditioning.Your stomach rumbles when you smell your favorite food because smell and taste are so closely linked that food odors, functioning as conditioned stimuli, can actually make you think you are hungry even if you have just finished a large meal. The conditioned stimulus (CS) would be the presence of the smell of your favorite food which brings about the unconditioned stimulus (US) hunger pangs. Because humans do not need to be taught to be hungry for food, the act of feeling hungry would be the unconditioned response (UR). The conditioned response (CR) would be knowing that you will get hungry when you smell your favorite food (p.143). 12. Critics argue that therapists using hypnosis and guided imagery to help their patients recover repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse are actually implanting false memories in those patients. They are especially critical of claims of recovered memories in the first three years of life, because the hippocampus and areas of the cortex are not well developed enough to store long-term memories. Therapists who use these techniques believe that a number of psychological problems can be treated successfully by helping patients recover repressed memories of sexual abuse. These therapists believe that a process called repression, a form of motivated forgetting, can cause traumatic memories to be so deeply buried in an individuals unconscious mind that he or she has lost all awareness of them (p.192-193). 13. Writing notes, making lists, writing on a calendar, or keeping an appointment book is often more reliable and accurate than trusting to memory. But if you need information at some unpredictable moment when you dont have aids handy, several mnemonics, or memory devices, and study strategies have developed over the years to aid memory. Mnemonics, or rhymes are a common aid to remembering material that otherwise might be difficult to recall. As a child, learning to recite i over e except after c when you were trying to spell a word containing that vowel combination is an example of a mnemonic. The method of loci is a mnemonic device that be used to when you want to remember a list of items such as a grocery list. Select a familiar place your home, for example and simply associate the items to be remembered with locations there. For example, visualize the first item you want to remember in its place on the driveway, the second in the garage, and the third at the front door, and so on until you have associated the item you want to remember with a specific location. Overlearning is another method of improving memory. Overlearning is practicing or studying material beyond the point where it can be repeated once without error. It makes material more resistant to forgetting (p.173). 14. Bandura proposed that four processed determine whether observational learning will occur: Attention: The observer must attend to the model. Retention: The observer must store information about the models behavior in memory. Reproduction: The observer must be physically and cognitively capable of performing the behavior to learn it. In other words, no matter how much time you devote to watching Serena Williams play tennis or listening to Beyonce sing, you wont be able to acquire skills like these unless you possess talents that are equal to theirs. Reinforcement: Ultimately, to exhibit a behavior learned through observation, an observer must be motivated to practice and perform the behavior on his own (p.156). 15. In some cases, we are hampered in our efforts to solve problems in daily life because of functional fixedness, the failure to use familiar objects in novel ways to solve problems. Objects you use everyday such as, tools, utensils, and other equipment are what help you perform certain functions. Although, you probably do not think to use the normal functions of such objects in new and creative ways. Suppose you wanted a cup of coffee, but the glass pot for you coffeemaker was broken. If you suffered from functional fixedness, you might come to the conclusion that there was nothing you could do to solve the problem at that moment. But, rather than thinking about the object you dont have, think about the function that it needs to perform. Another impediment to problem solving is mental set, the tendency to continue to use the same old method even though another approach might be better. Perhaps you hit on a way to solve a problem once in the past and continue to use the same technique in similar situations, even though it it not highly effective of efficient. The cognitive process that underlies both functional fixedness and mental set is confirmation bias, the tendency to selectively pay attention to information that concerns preexisting beliefs and ignore data that contradict them. For example, when faced with an operating system crash, most computer users know that the first line of defense is to reboot. Every time rebooting solve the problem, confirmation bias in favor of rebooting as a solution for computer problems becomes stronger. As a result, when a problem arises that proves resistant to rebooting, most of us try rebooting a few more times before we confront the reality that rebooting isnt going to solve the problem (p.209).

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Colombian Independence Movements :: essays research papers

Colombian Independence Movements   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A series of independence movements had marked most of South America, or â€Å"Nueva Granada† in particular during the vast time period of the early 16th century up until the late 18th century – early 19th century. An introduction of the time period which dates back to the late 15th century, illustrates how the Southern portion of the now Colombia had become a part of the Incan Empire whose central base had been located deep into Peru. Only the enlightened historians and those that have done thorough research of the time period have noted the existence concerning the various Indian tribes that roamed freely throughout portions of the land much before the emergence of the Spaniards into the territory.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Beginning in the early 16th century, we begin to see the arrival of a substantial number of Spaniards throughout several portions of New Granada (Nueva Granada in Spanish). One must also take into account that Colombia was not the only country in New Granada: †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ecuador †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Panama  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In addition to Colombia, these three counties formed †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Venezuela  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  what had been referred to then as New Granada. The first permanent settlement on the European mainland, Darien, had been found and conquered by the Spaniards in 1510. This had marked the surfacing of the Spaniards across South American lines as many more were to follow. An additional notable conquering had occurred when Pascual de Andagoya had reached the San Juan River in 1522. The term New Granada itself had not been instituted until the actual foundation of the colony in 1538; it had remained as New Granada up until 1861 which was when it was called the United States of Granada as a result of the rewriting of the constitution. Moving ahead in time periods until the early 18th century, Bogotà ¡ (the present capital of Colombia), became the capital of the new Spanish Viceroyalty of Nueva (New) Granada, which also ruled over Ecuador and Venezuela. While studying the independence movements of Colombia, many historians have also noted that the Indians initially tolerated the influx of the Spaniards but rebelled when the colonists tried to enslave them and take possession of their lands. Almost immediately, a large part of what became Colombia had been conquered by the Spanish, and a number of towns, including Cartagena (founded in 1533), were prospering. In 1544, the country was incorporated into the viceroyalty of Peru, where it remained until 1739 when it became a part of New Granada (comprising the territories of what are today Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Panama, as previously stated).

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Acceptance of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility

Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 CHAPTER ONE: 1. 0 INTRODUCTION OF THE STUDY INTRODUCTION The Islamic concept of Al-Ijarah Thumma al-bay’ refers to lease or hire or rent ending with purchase. It is a type of lease which concludes with option to buy back which is concludes the legal title of the leased asset and will be passed to the lessee at the end of the period.It is one of the contemporary innovative products which are design to meet the public demand at the same time, securing long term competitiveness in the financial market. AITAB comprised two contracts which are al-ijarah (leasing or renting) and followed by al-bay’ (sale) contract. Al-Ijarah: a contract whereby the lessor (Islamic bank) will rent the assets to the lessee (customer) over a certain period and at the end monthly rental amount as agreed by both parties. (Khir et al. 2008) Al-Bay’: upon completion of the rental period or upon the early settlement the lessor will then enter into the sale contract with the lessee to sell the asset at a pre-agreed selling price. (Khir et al. , 2008) Al-ijarah and al-bay’ are both categorised under the contract of exchange. The former relate to the exchange of usufruct for money, while latter involves the exchange of good for money. In AITAB the contract of al-ijarah runs separately from the contract of al-bay’. Since both contracts are executed in a sequence.A new contract AITAB can be used to describe the process of converting an Ijarah into a sale contract. (Khir et al. , 2008) AITAB is one of the contemporary innovative approaches in the Islamic hire purchase instrument which is an alternative product to conventional hire purchase. The significant difference between the two is that Islamic hire purchase is a unique contract involving a combination of two different contracts, thus involving a number of legal and shariah issues. It 1 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 calls for special rules on leasing and sale at different stages of the transactions in the light of shariah. It refers to owning the benefit of certain assets for a specific period of time, by paying an agreed sum of rental, with an agreement that the owner will transfer the rented asset to the hirer at the end of the agreed period or during the period, provided all rental payments or instalments have been made in entirety.The transfer of ownership is affected by a new and independent contract, either by giving the asset as a gift, or selling it at an agreed price. (AlZuhayli, 2002) Conventional hire-purchase, the product is considered as a loan to which interest rate and hiring charges would be applicable and in case of late payment of instalment price, interest would accumulate. But in Islamic hire-purchase, the product is considered as a mode of financing, not a loan and the product would have a profit rate and a mark-up and for late payment of instalment price, only late payment charge pre-agreed would be applicable. Billah) Based on the statements above, the researcher conduct the study among staff in Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan to identify the most significantly criteria’s such as perception, competency among car dealers and bank officer and awareness can influence them in order to accept Islamic hire purchase facility. The result for the acceptance of Islamic hire purchase facility will be collected by distributed the questionnaire to 200 staff in Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan.After that, the analysis will be interpreted by using the SPSS 20. 0 program. 2 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 1. 1 BACKGROUND OF COMPANY JABATAN PELAJARAN NEGERI KELANTAN ESTABLISHMENT HISTORY Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan history start when th e director first (formerly called Penguasa Pelajaran) namely Encik Mohd Ghazali B. Mohd Ariffn designate at year 1992. He then awarded with the title Dato' Bentara Luar and work until year 1930.The office first located in building known by the name of â€Å"Pejabat Panjang†, namely a building nearby Istana Kota Lama. Then in year 1930 an on the other hand Pejabat Pelajaran move on the other hand to other building known by the name of â€Å"Pejabat Pohon Celagi† namely Kelantan State Secretary building, nearby old office building. In year 1965 the office move on the other hand to new building namely Bangunan Persekutuan that is today. From year 1922 to 18 august 1998 there are 25 people Director.They are made up 13 people noble Malay, 10 people noble English and 2 people that noble Chinese. Director Encik Saw Chee Ling had given his service for 12 years. Since colonial era until today, Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan has been expanding rapidly him in effort increase t his quality education in accordance with Education Philosophy policy country. Today, Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan has owned 10 sectors that include Sektor Khidmat Pengurusan dan Pembangunan, Sektor Pengurusan Sekolah, Sektor Pengurusan Akademik and Sektor Pendidikan Islam.Under this department also be established State Educational Technology Division. While at district level on the other hand was constituted ten parts of Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah namely Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah Kota Bharu, Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah Pasir Mas, Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah Tumpat, Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah Pasir Puteh, Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah Bachok, Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah Tanah Merah, Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah Machang, Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah Kuala Krai, Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah Gua Musang and Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah Jeli. Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 1. 2 PROBLEM STATEMENTS Dual banking syste m imposes by Bank Negera Malaysia affecting the demand for Islamic financial product. This situation has influenced some staff in Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan to choose Islamic or conventional hire purchase loan for buying car. In this study, staff perception toward Islamic hire purchase facility implies whether they are really known about the AITAB operation itself.Researcher also identify common perception toward AITAB contract which is profit charge are too costly, penalty charge for late payment, accordance with syariah guideline and more Researcher also knows car dealers and bank officers also as importance key player toward acceptance of Islamic hire purchase facility. Thus, researcher also identify common problem about competency among car dealers and bank officer whether among them are lack of knowledge about Islamic financial product.Others problem that researcher identify is awareness among staff in Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan itself whether they aware about Isl amic Hire Purchase facility or not. The common problem on awareness among staff is what Islamic Hire Purchase have compared to conventional, the existence of Islamic financial product, the modus operandi of the AITAB contract itself and more. I. 3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY There are several objectives that have been developed in this research as the following:I. II. III. To examine staff perception toward Islamic hire purchase facility.To identify competency among car dealers and bank officers. To evaluate effects of awareness among staff in Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan. In this research, researcher identifies the most contributing factor of acceptance of Islamic Hire Purchase facility among staff in Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan is awareness. This had be proven by Pearson correlation relationship at r = 0. 837 4 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 1. 4 SCOPE OF THE STUDYThis study will f ocus on the acceptance towards Al-Ijarah Thumma Al-Bay’, Islamic hire purchase facility among staffs in Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan. In this research, researcher had pick up about 200 staff from the population of 460 staff in Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan as are respondents to complete the questionnaire. The respondent of this study are all staff in Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan which are mostly involve in hire purchase facility that offered by Islamic and conventional bank. The researcher has chosen this area because of high population. 1. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY The first limitation is that the probability of absenteeism of the respondent due to leave or outstation since all respondents is the staff of Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan. The second limitation is lack of knowledge. Researcher does not have experience and never been exposed in making a complete research in the university. Researchers will facing difficulties to understand the word using by the r espondent. The third limitation is uncooperative respondent. In process of gathering the information, researcher will need to collect data through the questionnaire.However, it can be difficult to gain full cooperation and commitment from the respondent and they may think that it does not give any advantage to them. Respondent also will take a very long time to answer the questionnaire and it also will make the researcher take a long time to analysis the data. Corporate constraint also can be a limitation in this study because the respondent cannot give hundred percent performances in answer the questionnaire. 5 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 1. 6 SIGNIFICANT OF STUDYTo the Manager Help the manager to identify the behaviour of his subordinates and how they react towards the acceptance of Al-Ijarah Thumma Al-Bay’ Islamic Hire Purchase Financing as their source of car financing. To the researcher It will provide better understanding and can give new knowledge to the researcher. The study will be conducted to give a clear picture on the staff’s awareness and acceptance on the AlIjarah Thumma Al-Bay’ Islamic Hire Purchase Financing. The result of the study will help the researcher to know the stuff’s perceptions towards factors that influence stuffs decisions in accepting Islamic Financing Product.To the public The data gathered in this study can help the individual to gain more knowledge about the important and benefits of accepting Al-Ijarah Thumma Al-Bay’ Islamic Hire Purchase Financing as part of their source of car financing. This study may increase the level of awareness and create acceptance among public about Al-Ijarah Thumma Al-Bay’ Islamic Hire Purchase financing as their source of car financing decisions. To others The information may be used by the financial institution to improve the services related with Islamic Car Financing product. This study may provide useful information for further research in this area of interest.The findings of this study could provide some form of empirical data for future research in this area. It could perhaps also help in the more effective implementation of Al-Ijarah Thumma Al-Bay’ Islamic Hire Purchase Financing. 6 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 To the bank There are a lot of benefits of this research to the bank. From this research, it will provide information to the bank on the real scenario. Therefore, the bank can use this information and results to improve its management, services, efficiency and etc.In fact, with this research it will help the bank to come out with new strategies and solutions to monitor its profitability and can improve its performance. Thus, the bank can also use the recommendations suggested by the researcher to improve its performance an d position. 7 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 1. 7 DEFINITION OF TERM Al-Ijarah Thumma Al-Bay’ In the context of Islamic finance, the ijarah concept is usually applicable in financing contracts such as in real property financing, vehicle financing, project financing and personal financing.There are also financing products that enable customers to lease assets from Islamic financial institutions with an option to acquire the leased assets at the end of the lease tenure based on the concept of ijarah muntahia bi al-tamlik or al-ijarah thumma al-bai (Bank Negera M. , 2010) Perception Customers’ perceptions are often identified by their level of satisfaction towards particular products or services. (Nurdianawati I. A, 2006) Competency More competent, knowledgeable employees are more likely to design processes and deliver services that conform to customer needs. (Ahmad, 2010).Awaren ess Research on bank patronage in Malaysia find that almost 100 per cents of Muslims and 75% of non-Muslims were aware of the existence of Islamic banks. Most of them wished to have a relationship with these banks if they had a complete understanding of this system. (Sudin Haron N. A. , 1994) Acceptance AITAB is a name which capture a public acceptance because it provides better features compared to conventional hire-purchase. Muslim customers, who accept and understand its operation, request it as an alternative to conventional hire-purchase. (Nurdianawati I. A, 2006) 8Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 CHAPTER TWO: 2. 0 INTRODUCTION LITERATURE REVIEW Literature review is important as references and as a guideline to the researcher in conducting research and to search the information. It also used as the supporter to the study that will be conducted. This chapter will discuss about the literat ure review which relevant to the topic of the study. The purpose is to ensure that no important variable that has in the past been found repeatedly to have had an impact on the problem is ignored. . 1 Acceptance AITAB is a name which capture a public acceptance because it provides better features compared to conventional hire-purchase. Muslim customers, who accept and understand its operation, request it as an alternative to conventional hire-purchase. They will come to an institution which they know offering such Islamic product. For example, many corporate customers come to Bank Pembangunan to purchase machinery through AITAB facility, because they know the benefits that the facility has to offer, for example, full margin of financing and lower penalty for late payment. Nurdianawati, 2006) Other finding shown AITAB also gains support from the non-Muslims. In some institutions, 60% of their customers are non-Muslims, comprising the Chinese in majority. They can see the advantage of signing up AITAB, which is 1% penalty for late payment, as compared to conventional hire-purchase which imposes 8% penalty. (Bank Negara, 1998) A survey in United Kingdom found the demand for Islamic financing will grow in future if Islamic banks pratice the correct marketing measures. In the research, five (5 %) percents of muslim in United Kingdom are loyal customers to the Islamic financial services.Majority of muslim are still comfortable with the conventional financial services, while only a quater of muslims tend to show preference for Islamic finance. (Humayon, 2004) 9 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 2. 2 Perception Nowadays, in the dual banking system that had been practice by Malaysia giving an effect to the consumer to choose either Islamic Hire Purchase or Conventional hire purchase. Mostly Muslim customers claim that there are no differences between Islamic Hire-Purchase and Con ventional Hire Purchase.Islamic banking products are available at two full pledged Islamic banks and at all commercial and merchant banks in Malaysia. However, these products are still not fully accepted by customers. According to Norafifah Ahmad and Sudin Haron (2002), at the end of 2000, total deposit at conventional banks was RM381 billion while total deposit in Islamic Financial Institution was RM31 billion. In the case of loans, RM416 billion was extended by conventional system, and RM21 billion was given by Islamic system. This results indicates that perception of Conventional System were far good than Islamic financial system.Islamic Hire purchase (AITAB) provides better features compared to conventional hirepurchase. Muslim customers, who accept and understand its operation, request it as an alternative to conventional hire-purchase. They will come to an institution which they know offering such Islamic product. Moreover AITAB also gains support from the non-Muslims. In some institutions, 60% of their customers are non-Muslims, comprising the Chinese in majority. They can see the advantage of signing up AITAB, which is 1% penalty for late payment, as compared to conventional hire-purchase which imposes 8% penalty. Nurdianawati, 2006) Perceptions of Malaysian corporate customers of Islamic banking products and services indicated that Islamic banks were not the main choice because of the lack of knowledge. More than half of the respondents (65 %) said they had limited knowledge of the Islamic banking system. This study shows that Islamic banks have not conducted enough programmes to educate people or promote their products to the public. (Norafifah Ahmad, 2002) 10 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012They showed that 63 % of Muslim respondents possess limited knowledge of IBF. They do not fully understand the operation of IBF even though Islamic banking has been establ ished in Malaysia for more than twenty years. This factor has led to low usage of Islamic banking facilities among the Muslim respondents. (Sudin Haron N. A. , 1994). A similar situation occurred in Singapore, where only 22. 6 percent of Muslims deposit money in Islamic banks solely because of religion (Gerrard, 1997) Another important indicator determining customers’ positive or negative perception is their patronage criteria towards the service provider.In one of the earliest patronage studies on Islamic banking, Erol and El-Bdour (1989) discovered that the most important criteria considered by customers in patronising Islamic banks are provision of fast and efficient services, the bank’s reputation and image, and confidentiality. Others study found that religion is not the main factor encouraging Muslims to choose Islamic banks to hold their funds. Their findings also indicate that bank customers perceived no difference between the services offered by Islamic and co nventional banks, the former being perceived as merely duplicating the latter. Erol C. K. -B. , 1990). In addition, many of muslim also doubt of shariah permissibility on the Islamic banking instrument. (Humayon, 2004) In Malaysia, customers’ positive perception towards Islamic banking is far more crucial mainly due to the fact that Islamic banks have to compete with the long established conventional banks in a dual-banking system. Since 1983, Malaysia to date has a dual banking system, whereby the Islamic banking system operates in parallel with the conventional system.The former is currently represented by 27 banking institutions, comprising nine Islamic banks and 18 conventional banking institutions (eight commercial banks, four merchant banks and six discount houses) offering Islamic banking products and services under the Islamic Banking Scheme (IBS), also known as Islamic windows. (Bank Negera, 2005) 11 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among st aff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 2. 3 Competency Customers also may not to choose Islamic Hire Purchase facility for their car financing due to lack of competency among car dealers and bank officers.Most car dealer claimed there is no differences between Islamic and conventional thus give impact to costumer’s decision. The misleading view of AITAB among the customers is partly contributed by the lack of experience and knowledge among bank officers in giving correct and satisfactory explanation about AITAB. Some of these bank officers do not even understand the distinction between AITAB and conventional hire-purchase. Many proclaim that both products are similar especially with regards to its documents, procedures and governance.Hence, they are unable to highlight the advantages and benefits of AITAB as compared to conventional hirepurchase. (Nurdianawati, 2006) More competent, knowledgeable employees are more likely to design processes and deliver ser vices that conform to customer needs. (Ahmad, 2010). In addition, development of appropriate employee skills and competencies is important determinant of better service quality and favorable consumer perceptions about service delivery (Chung, 2002) Furthermore, a dealer acts as a middleman between a financial institution and a customer.In Malaysian context, the customer usually approaches the dealer first for the purpose of purchasing a particular vehicle before applying hire-purchase facility from a financial institution. In fact, the customer’s choice between conventional and Islamic financing facility depends mostly on the dealer’s explanation and recommendation. Ideally, a dealer with a high Islamic conscience proposes AITAB to the customer and able to explain how the facility works, its advantages and differences from conventional facility. However, not all dealers are equipped with in-depth understanding of AITAB facility.Thus, it is expected that they would not be able to educate their customers accordingly. In reality these dealers even tend to propose conventional facility either because their understanding of AITAB is limited or they 12 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 do not want to expose their customers to an unnecessarily complicated situation. (Nurdianawati, 2006). In addition, many dealers that are lack in understanding of AITAB facility assume the facility offered by Islamic and conventional bank are totally same.They only concern with their commission for their sales. 2. 4 Awareness. Haron et al. (1994) who pioneered in the research on bank patronage in Malaysia find that almost 100 per cent of Muslims and 75% of non-Muslims were aware of the existence of Islamic banks. Most of them wished to have a relationship with these banks if they had a complete understanding of this system. In Singapore, a study by Gerrard and Cunningham (1997) rev ealed that the Singaporeans, Muslims or non-Muslims, are generally unaware of the principles of Islamic banking.Study in Humayon (2004) shown some of the muslims may not aware of the Islamic financial instrument in the financial market. Others study on Singapore by Haron, Ahmad and Planisek (1994) revealed that only 40 percent of Muslim customers consider religion as an important factor in patronizing banks. Similarly, there is general lack of awareness of Islamic banking system among Singaporean communities, be they Muslims or non-Muslims. These results suggest that Islamic banks do not need to rely on the religious factor as a strategy in attracting customers, but they should focus more on provision of quality and efficient services.One of the contributing factors to this absence of awareness among Muslims is the lack of understanding of Islamic banking. A study conducted in Singapore showed that only 20. 7 percent know the meaning of ‘Riba’ and 31 percent know the me aning of Shari’ah. The study also showed that only 3 percent can explain accurately the meaning of Ijarah, Mudarabah 13 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 and Musharakah.Surprisingly, no one could explain accurately the meaning of Murabaha (Gerrard, 1997) Rammal and Zurbruegg (2006) found that it is important for financial institution to understand the dynamism of customer segmentation, build customer relationship and address requirement and preferences of specific segments. By doing so, it will boost up customer identification and create awareness among consumers. This finding then supported by Harun et al. (1992) where there is no significant difference between Muslims and Non-Muslims in their selection criteria.Islamic banking product used different names for their product and it has cause several difficulties and misunderstanding by customers, some claimed that it is a religious prod uct that only meant for Muslims, and some just find it too difficult to learn the names therefore they stay away (Nordin, 2001). According to them again, what is actually taught to the Malaysians since their pre-school period is aqidah and understanding of Islamic principles but little emphasis is given to the mu’amalat or the daily transaction activities according to Islam.In another study of Malaysian commercial customers and their views of Islamic financial services, Haron et al. (2002) noted that 65% of the respondents admitted to having limited knowledge of Islamic banking, while at the same time indicating that they believed the concept had good potential in the Malaysian market. Bley and Kuehn (2004) found a high level of ignorance among the 300 interviewed Muslim with regard to what constitutes acceptable Islamic finance principles. He reported that the higher the religious commitment and the lower the level of general education, the stronger the preference for Islami c over conventional finance.His study also revealed that overall; students’ knowledge of conventional and Islamic finance terms and concepts was surprisingly low among students in United Arab Emirates. 14 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3. 0 INTRODUCTION In this chapter, it will focus on the research methodology that will use in this study. In essence, research methodology will provide researcher the needed information that guides researcher to make informed decisions to successfully deal with the problems.The information gathered could be the result of the analysis of data gathered firsthand or the data that are already available. Research methodology will presents the nature of study, data sources, pilot study and reliability test, data collection and data analysis technique. 3. 1 POPULATION AND SAMPLING DESIGN According to Sekaran, (2006), population is a complete group of entities sharing some common set of characteristics. For this research the population is among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu.This research is using sampling frame; meaning is concerned with the selection of a subset of individual from within a population to estimate characteristics of the whole population. (Malhotra, 2004) in his writing define sample frame as a lists of elements from which a sample may be drawn for identifying the target population. A sampling frame is a representation of the elements of the target population. In this research, the sampling frame is the staff at Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan. The populations taken are 200 from 460 staff. 3. 2 SAMPLE SIZE Sample is a subset, or some part, of a large population.In research, sampling is important because the researcher intend to come up with accurate and reliable findings in order to be able use for further research. The sample size for this study is the actual numb er of subjects chosen as a sample to represent the population characteristics, which is according to Sekaran, (2006). Refer to Roscoe (1975), sample size larger than 30 and less than 500 are appropriate for most research. So, the researcher decided that the sample of 200 15 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 012 respondents is appropriate to represent the population of staff in Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan. 3. 3 SAMPLING METHOD Sampling is the process of selecting items from the population so that the sample characteristics can be generalized to the population. Sampling involves both design choice and sample size decisions (Sekaran, 2006). The idea of sampling is to select a few samples from a bigger group known as population, so that it becomes a basis for estimating or predicting a fact, situation or outcome regarding the actual number of group under study.The method used for this study is co nvenience sampling. It is the method of drawing samples that does not impose any restrictions. This is also the least reliable sampling that is cheap and convenience. 3. 3. 1 Convenience Sampling Technique Convenience sampling refers to the collection of information from members of the population who are conveniently available to provide it (Sekaran, 2006). Meanwhile, Cooper and Schindler (2006), defined convenience sampling is non-probability sampling where researchers use any readily available individuals as participants.It is the most often used during the exploratory phase of the research project and it is perhaps the best way of getting some basic information quickly and efficiently. 3. 4 METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION In this research, the data gathered parallel to the objectives of the study. The methods of data collection that the researcher used to collect the data were primary data and secondary data. 16 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 3. 4. 1 PRIMARY DATA It is the data collected for a specific purpose from original sources.Primary data been obtained by distribution of the respondents selected. The entire questionnaires are collected personally. In this research, the primary data was collected from the personally administered questionnaire. Personally Administered Questionnaire The questionnaire has been designed according to the needs of the topic study. It is to ensure that the respondents would be fully understood and answer all the questions since there is personal administered question. In designing the questionnaire’s questions, the content, structure and appearance would give an impact to the respondents’ attitude.Thus, all these things should be properly organized. In the questionnaire designs, the researcher divided it into 3 sections which include as follows: Section A – Section A comprises questions pertaining to their personal par ticulars. The first part of the questionnaire was divided into 2 areas of information. One was on the personal information and the one on others Islamic financial product. Section B – Section B focused on obtaining information on dependent variable. It is the customer selection criteria for bank. This section is designed by using a Likert Scale.The student had to circle the appropriate response with the statement from a scale of (1-5) ranging from the caption ‘strongly disagree’ to ‘strongly agree’. Through the 5 point scale, the researcher could decide to what the acceptance of Islamic Hire Purchase facility among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan. Section C Criteria I – Criteria I focused on obtaining information on effect of perception in acceptance of Islamic Hire Purchase facility. This section also used a Likert Scale. This scale will be 5 point 17 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 012 scale wills response of the participant toward on perception towards acceptance of Islamic Hire Purchase facility among staff in Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan. Criteria II – Criteria II focused on obtaining information on effect of competency in acceptance of Islamic Hire Purchase facility. This section also used a Likert Scale. This scale will be 5 point scale wills response of the participant toward on competency among bank officer and car dealers towards acceptance of Islamic Hire Purchase facility among staff in Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan.Criteria III – Criteria III focused on obtaining information on effect of awareness in acceptance of Islamic Hire Purchase facility. This section also used a Likert Scale. This scale will be 5 point scale wills response of the participant toward awareness in towards acceptance of Islamic Hire Purchase facility among staff in Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan 3. 4. 2 SECONDARY D ATA Secondary data were obtained through searching the journal which published reported of previous researchers that different in authors, perceptions and theories. The data and information are also gathered from the website. 8 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 3. 5 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK The research model shows that the dependent variable is the acceptance of Islamic Hire Purchase facility. This dependent variable is expected to have a significant relationship with personal characteristics, perception, competency and awareness as independent variables. INDEPENDENT VARIABLES DEPENDENT VARIABLE Perception Acceptance of Islamic Hire Purchase facility Competency Awareness Figure 3. 5. 1: The Theoretical Framework of the study.RESEARCH VARIABLES Two main types of variables that are used in this research include dependent variable and independent variable. DEPENDENT VARIABLE The dependent variable that used in this study is Acceptance of Islamic Hire Purchase INDEPENDENT VARIABLE The independent variables that are used in this research are perception, competency and awareness. 19 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 3. 6 HYPOTHESIS Hypothesis 1 (Perception) Ho: There is no significant relationship between acceptance of Islamic hire purchase acility among staff in Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan and perception. H1: There is significant relationship between acceptance of Islamic hire purchase facility among staff in Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan and perception. Hypothesis 2 (Competency) Ho: There is no significant relationship between acceptance of Islamic hire purchase facility among staff in Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan and competency. H1: There is significant relationship between acceptance of Islamic hire purchase facility among staff in Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan and c ompetency.Hypothesis 3 (Awareness) Ho: There is no significant relationship between acceptance of Islamic hire purchase facility among staff in Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan and awareness. H1: There is significant relationship between acceptance of Islamic hire purchase facility among staff in Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan and awareness. 3. 7 DATA ANALYSIS AND ADMINISTRATION Data analysis is a procedure to analyze data or information that obtains during the research. In order to achieve the research objective, the data that been obtained from the respondent must answered or fulfill the expectations.In this research, the researcher wants to measure which is the most significant criteria in acceptance of Islamic hire purchase facility among staff in Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan. 20 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 The procedure of the analysis that used is by using the SPSS 20. 0 s oftware application. All the data from the questionnaire that answered by the respondents had been analyze using this software. The process of entailing earrangement, breaching down, reduction and separation of data into as many as needed to determine their nature, relative important, functions and interrelationships. In completing this study, it will includes some basis data analysis including reliability analysis, frequency analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression by using SPSS 20. 0 program. 3. 7. 1 RELIABILITY ANALYSIS According to Sekaran (2006), the reliability of a measure is established by testing for both consistency and stability.Consistency indicates how well the items measuring a concept hang together as a set. The reliability will ensure to test the data. Reliability is an attest to the consistency and stability of the measure instrument. The reliability of a measure indicates the extent to which it is without bias (error free) and hence ensures consistent measure across time and across the various items in the instrument. The most commonly reliability test that has used is Cronbach’s Alpha. The Cronbach’s Alpha can be interpreted as a correlation coefficient and it range in value from 0 to 1. 3. 7. FREQUENCY ANALYSIS According to Cooper and Schindler (2006), frequency distribution is ordered array of all values for a variable. In order to analyze the whole information of research question based on respondent’s profile information of the respondents such as gender, marital status, level of income and age. Frequency distribution is also simply reports the number of the responses that each questions received. It is the simplest way of determining the empirical distributions of the variables. The frequency distribution is a display of the frequency occurrence of each score value.The frequency distribution can be display is many form such as tabular and graphical form. In this study, the frequency distribution had be en measure the questionnaire in section A that it is about respondent’s profile such as gender, age, race, 21 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 religion, level of education, marital status, salary, sector and had been used any Islamic financial product. 3. 7. 3 PEARSON’S CORRELATION ANALYSIS The other name of Pearson’s coefficient of correlation is Pearson Correlation Matrix.The coefficient of correlation is used to determine the magnitude, direction and significant level of relationship between dependent and independent variables. As a descriptive technique, it is very powerful since this method indicates whether variables share is something in common with each other. 3. 7. 4 MULTIPLE REGRESSIONS The multiple regressions describe the strength of the linear relationship between two variables when one is considered the independent variable and the other is the dependent var iable (Cooper and Schindler, 2006).Regression is a powerful tool for summarizing the nature of the relationship between variables and for making predictions of likely values of the dependent variables. Regression analysis aids in understanding how much of the variance in the dependent variable may be explained by a set of predictors. For regression coefficient, estimates, model fit and R squared change are chosen in this study. 22 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 CHAPTER FOUR: ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS 4. 0 INTRODUCTIONIn this chapter, the researcher will identify the questionnaires response rate from the respondents. After collecting the data, now the researcher able to analyze and interpret it using the SPSS 20 software. Techniques using in interpreting data is by using reliability analysis, frequency analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression in SPSS programs. These steps are impor tant to see the relationship between the variables and to know the variables are significant or not. 4. 1 FREQUENCIES ANALYSIS A frequency analysis shows the frequency of occurrence of each score value of the research data.The objective is to obtain a count of number of responses associated with different values of the variable. This analysis is appropriate and suitable to analyze the question in Section A which is respondents profile such as gender, race, religion, level of education, maritial status, age, salary, sector, used others Islamic finance product. TABLE 4. 1. 1 Frequency of Section A- Demographics’ profile Statistics GENDER AGE RACE RELIGION LEVEL EDUCATION MARITIAL STATUS SALARY SECTOR OTHERS ISLAMIC FINANCIAL PRODUCT Valid N Missing Mean Median Mode Std. Deviation Variance Skewness Std.Error of Skewness Minimum Maximum 0 1. 58 2. 00 2 . 496 . 246 -. 306 . 172 1 2 0 2. 44 2. 00 2 . 889 . 790 . 068 . 172 1 4 0 1. 05 1. 00 1 . 240 . 058 5. 207 . 172 1 3 0 1. 05 1. 00 1 . 208 . 043 4. 423 . 172 1 2 0 2. 71 3. 00 4 1. 215 1. 475 . 006 . 172 1 5 0 1. 83 2. 00 2 . 419 . 175 -1. 081 . 172 1 3 0 3. 09 3. 00 3 1. 206 1. 455 . 616 . 172 1 6 0 3. 59 3. 00 1 2. 617 6. 847 . 872 . 172 1 10 0 3. 05 3. 00 5 1. 583 2. 506 -. 021 . 172 1 5 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 23 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012Profile (n=200) Gender Male Female Age 21 – 30 years 31 – 40 years 41 – 50 years 51 years and above Race Malay Chinese Indian Religion Islam Buddha Level Education SPM STPM Diploma Bachelor Degree Maritial Status Single Married Others Salary RM 1000 and Below RM1001 – RM2000 RM2001 – RM3000 RM3001 – RM4000 RM4001 – RM5000 RM5001 and Above Sector Sektor Khidmat Pengurusan & Pembangunan Sektor Pengurusan Sekolah Sektor Pengurusan Akedemik Sektor Pengurusan & Pembangunan Sektor Pendidikan Islam Sektor Penilaian & Pep eriksaan Sektor Jaminan Kualiti Sektor Psikologi & Kaunseling Sektor ICT Other Islamic Financial Product Islamic Vehicle Financing Islamic House Financing Islamic Personal Financing Islamic Credit Card Takaful Frequency Percent Valid percent 42. 5 57. 5 15. 0 38. 5 34. 5 12. 0 95. 5 4. 0 0. 5 95. 5 4. 5 21. 0 25. 5 19. 5 30. 0 4. 0 19. 0 79. 5 1. 5 4. 5 32. 0 33. 0 15. 5 11. 0 4. 0 30. 0 14. 5 16. 0 5. 0 10. 0 13. 0 2. 5 6. 5 2. 5 25. 5 17. 0 14. 0 14. 5 29. 0 Cumulative percent 42. 5 100. 0 15. 0 53. 5 88. 0 100. 0 95. 5 99. 5 100. 0 95. 5 100. 0 21. 0 46. 5 66. 0 96. 0 100. 0 19. 0 98. 5 100. 0 4. 5 36. 69. 5 85. 0 96. 0 100. 0 30. 0 44. 5 60. 5 65. 5 75. 5 88. 5 91. 0 97. 5 100. 0 25. 5 42. 5 56. 5 71. 0 100. 0 85 115 30 77 69 24 191 8 1 191 9 42 51 39 60 8 38 159 3 9 64 66 31 22 8 60 29 32 10 20 26 5 13 5 51 34 28 29 58 42. 5 57. 5 15. 0 38. 5 34. 5 12. 0 95. 5 4. 0 0. 5 95. 5 4. 5 21. 0 25. 5 19. 5 30. 0 4. 0 19. 0 79. 5 1. 5 4. 5 32. 0 33. 0 15. 5 11. 0 4. 0 30. 0 14. 5 16. 0 5. 0 10. 0 13. 0 2. 5 6. 5 2. 5 25. 5 17. 0 14. 0 14. 5 29. 0 24 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 Table 4. 2. 1 provides an exploration of the sample for the investigation.The total number of respondents was 200 and the demographic profile of the respondents is shown in table. Among the demographic profile of respondents discussed are gender, age, race, religion, level education, maritial status, salary, sector and used others islamic financial product. Respondents were 42. 5% from male group and 57. 5% of female group. From the race‘s profile, 95. 5% of the respondents are malay, 4. 0% of the respondents are chinese and 0. 5% respondents are indian. Besides that, percentages of the religion profile, 95. 5% of the respondent are Islam and followed by 4. 5% respondent are buddha. Meanwhile, in terms of level education, 21. % of the respondents are SPM, 25. 5% of STPM, 19. 5% of Diploma, 30. 0% of Bachelor and 4. 0% of Master. The majority of respondents are married which indicated 79. 5%, 19. 0% are single and followed by others 1. 5%. Reviewing on the age‘s profile, 15. 0% of respondents were in the ages between 21 – 30 years old, 38. 5% were between 31 – 40 years old, 34. 5% were the age of 41 – 50 years old and 12. 0% the age of 51 years old above. From the salary’s profile, 4. 5% of respondents were below RM 1000, 32. 0% were between RM1001 – RM2000, 33. 0% were between RM2001 – RM 3000, 15. 5% were between RM 3001 – RM 4000, 11. 0% were between RM 4001 – RM 5000 and 4. % were RM 5001 and above. Reviewing on the sector‘s profile, 30. 0% of respondents were in the Sektor Khidmat Pengurusan & Pembangunan, 14. 5% were in Sektor Pengurusan Sekolah, 16. 0% were in Sektor Pengurusan Akedemik, 5. 0% were in Sektor Pengurusan Pembangunan Kemanusiaan, 10. 0% were in Sektor Pendidikan Islam, 13. 0% were in Sektor Penilaian dan 25 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 Peperiksaan, 5. 0% were in Sektor Jaminan Kualiti, 6. 5% were in Sektor Psikologi & Kaunseling and 2. 5% were in Sektor ICT. Meanwhile, in terms of used others islamic financial product, 25. % of respondent were in islamic vehicle financing, 17. 0% were in islamic house financing, 14. 0% were in islamic personal financing, 14. 5% were in islamic credit card and 29. 0% were in takaful. 26 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 4. 2 ANALYSIS OF RELIABILITY The important of the reliability of a measure is to determine the stability and consistency the questions that are distributed to the respondents. This reliability is to test the goodness of the data. Cronbach’s alpha is most common used to measure the reliability. The closer Cronbach’ s alpha is to 1, is the better.In almost every case, Cronbach’s alpha is an adequate test of internal consistency reliability. In this study, the results of reliability test are shown in the table that had separate according to each of the variables. Reliability of measure is established by testing for both consistency and stability. RELIABILITY Less than 0. 6 Range 0. 7 Over 0. 8 RANGES Poor Acceptable Good Source: Sekaran (2006) Alpha Coefficient Ranges ; 0. 6 0. 6 to ; 0. 7 0. 7 to ; 0. 8 0. 8 to ; 0. 9 0. 9 Strength of Association Poor Moderate Good Very Good Excellent Table 4. 2. 1: Ranges of Reliability 27 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 012 Reliability Analysis done when questions from all variables were well structured and can be understands by respondents. It happened and because the Cronbach’s Alpha for all variables higher than 0. 6. It means respondents answered the ques tions without bias, with consistent and stable. The closer Alpha value is to 1, the higher the internal consistency reliability. The results of all variables Reliability Analysis were shown in table below: TABLE 4. 2. 2: Reliability Output for section B – Acceptance of Islamic Hire Purchase facility Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Cronbach's N of Alpha Alpha Based Items on Standardized Items . 952 . 952 7Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Scale Corrected Item Deleted Variance if Item-Total Item Deleted Correlation AC : AITAB is the best choice for vehicle financing AC : Recommed AITAB contract to others AC : Will Use again AITAB contract AC : AITAB is suitable with financial planning AC : As muslim, no choice expect AITAB contract AC : Willing to switch to AITAB AC : Understanding make accepting for AITAB 23. 89 23. 92 23. 94 23. 89 23. 98 23. 92 23. 85 25. 526 25. 566 25. 619 25. 606 25. 517 26. 279 25. 860 . 871 . 864 . 852 . 844 . 853 . 742 . 829 Squared Multiple Correl ation . 803 . 795 . 812 . 806 . 744 . 591 . 730 Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted . 942 . 942 . 943 . 944 . 943 . 952 . 945 Based on the reliability statistics table, the Cronbach’s alpha for the 6 items show the reliability of 0. 952 which mean that this dependent variable is reliable. The result is excellent because according to Sekaran (2010), 0. 9 is excellent. 28Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 TABLE 4. 2. 3: Reliability Output for section C – Perception Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Cronbach's N of Alpha Alpha Based Items on Standardized Items . 892 . 893 6 Scale Mean if Item Deleted PR : Known about AITAB PR : AITAB different from convensional hire purchase PR : Accordance with syariah guideline PR : Good alternative to acquire assets PR : 1% penalty charge for late payment is suitable PR : Use AITAB as first choice 19. 56 19. 34 19. 24 19. 33 19. 42 19. 10 Item-Total Statistics Scale Corrected Variance if Item-Total Item Deleted Correlation 14. 570 14. 778 14. 77 16. 421 14. 788 15. 413 . 724 . 783 . 768 . 637 . 681 . 694 Squared Multiple Correlation . 615 . 716 . 689 . 426 . 550 . 574 Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted . 872 . 862 . 865 . 885 . 880 . 876 Based on the reliability statistics table, the Cronbach’s alpha for the 6 items of perception show the reliability of 0. 892 which mean that this independent variable is reliable. The result is a very good because according to Sekaran (2010), 0. 8 to 0. 9 is very good. 29 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 TABLE 4. 2. 4: Reliability Output for section C – CompetencyReliability Statistics Cronbach's Cronbach's N of Alpha Alpha Based Items on Standardized Items . 859 . 861 5 Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Scale Corrected Item Deleted Variance if Item-Total Item Deleted Correlation CM : Car d ealers inform no different between AITAB and conventional hire purchase CM : Car dealers lack of information and knowladge about AITAB CM : Car dealers only thinking their sales bonus CM : Bank officer respect your dicision to use AITAB contract CM : Bank officer give good respond on request use AITAB Squared Multiple Correlation Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted 15. 13 9. 983 .728 .628 .815 15. 14 10. 218 .671 .579 .831 14. 87 9. 846 .721 .548 .818 14. 93 11. 497 .645 .725 .838 14. 93 11. 597 .631 .727 .841Based on the reliability statistics table, the Cronbach’s alpha for the 5 of competency show the reliability of 0. 859 which mean that this dependent variable is reliable. The result is a very good because according to Sekaran (2010), 0. 8 to 0. 9 is very good. 30 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 TABLE 4. 2. 5: Reliability Output for section C – Awareness Reliability Statistic s Cronbach's Cronbach's N of Alpha Alpha Based Items on Standardized Items . 897 . 900 6 Scale Mean if Item Deleted AW : Know existance of islamic banking AW : Know AITAB is one of islamic finance product AW : AITAB is replace for onventional hire purchase AW : Know about 1% charge if late payment AW : Know about AITAB had been use by non muslim AW : Know about last payment in AITAB is for payment buying asset 18. 80 19. 07 Item-Total Statistics Scale Corrected Variance if Item-Total Item Deleted Correlation 17. 347 16. 538 . 660 . 753 Squared Multiple Correlation . 535 . 695 Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted . 888 . 875 19. 20 19. 19 19. 19 17. 005 15. 592 15. 361 .756 . 734 . 745 .656 . 592 . 629 .876 . 878 . 876 19. 38 16. 085 .714 .585 .881 Based on the reliability statistics table, the Cronbach’s alpha for the 6 items of awareness show the reliability of 0. 897 which mean that this independent variable is reliable. The result is a very good because according to Sekaran (2 010), 0. 8 to 0. 9 is very good. 31Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 4. 3 CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS Correlation analysis is used for explained whether there is an existence of association and the strength of the relationship between the independent variables (perception, competency, and awareness) towards the dependent variable (acceptance of islamic hire purchase facility). Sekaran (2006) suggested that it would be appropriated to use Pearson Correlation Matrix where it is the first issues to determine is whether the correlation coefficient is statistically significant or not significant.The rules of thumb have been proposed to characterize the strength of the association between variables, based on the absolute size of the correlation coefficient. Correlation between Are said to be 0. 8 and 1. 0 Very Strong 0. 6 and 0. 8 Strong 0. 4 and 0. 6 Moderate 0. 2 and 0. 4 Weak 0 and 0. 2 Very Weak Ta ble 4. 3. 1: Rule of Thumb of Correlation Coefficient Size 32 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 Correlations Mean Of Perception 1 Mean Of Acceptance . 789** . 000 200 1 200 Pearson Correlation Mean Of Perception Sig. (1-tailed) N 200 Pearson Correlation . 789** Mean Of Sig. (1-tailed) . 00 Acceptance N 200 **. Correlation is significant at the 0. 01 level (1-tailed). Table 4. 3. 2 : Pearson Correlation Coefficient between Mean Perception and Mean Acceptance Correlation analysis is conducted to test the relationship between selection decision and service quality. The result of Pearson Correlation tests showed that there is a strong significant relationship (0. 789) between these two variables. The one-tailed significance test is p ; 0. 000 showing that the outcome of the test is not by chance, and therefore can be confidently accepted or trusted, therefore reject the null hypothesis. r(200) = 0 . 789, p ; 0. 0001, one-tailed 33Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 Correlations Mean Of Competency Mean Of Competency Pearson Correlation Sig. (1-tailed) N Pearson Correlation Sig. (1-tailed) N 1 200 . 724** . 000 200 Mean Of Acceptance . 724** . 000 200 1 200 Mean Of Acceptance **. Correlation is significant at the 0. 01 level (1-tailed). Table 4. 3. 3 : Pearson Correlation Coefficient between Mean Competency and Mean Acceptance Correlation analysis is conducted to test the relationship between competency and acceptance. The result of Pearson Correlation tests showed that there is a strong significant relationship (0. 24) between these two variables. The one-tailed significance test is p=0. 000 showing that the outcome of the test is not by chance, and therefore can be confidently accepted or trusted, therefore reject the null hypothesis. r(200) = 0. 724, p;0. 0001, one-tailed 34 Acceptance O f Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 Correlations Mean Of Awareness Pearson 1 Correlation Mean Of Sig. (1-tailed) Awareness N 200 Pearson . 837** Correlation Mean Of Sig. (1-tailed) . 000 Acceptance N 200 **. Correlation is significant at the 0. 01 level (1-tailed). Mean Of Acceptance . 837** . 000 200 1 200 Table 4. 3. : Pearson Correlation Coefficient between Mean Awareness and Mean Acceptance Correlation analysis is conducted to test the relationship between awareness and acceptance. The result of Pearson Correlation tests showed that there is a very strong significant relationship (0. 837) between these two variables. The one-tailed significance test is p=0. 000 showing that the outcome of the test is not by chance, and therefore can be confidently accepted or trusted, therefore reject the null hypothesis. r(200) = 0. 837 , p;0. 0001, one-tailed 35 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Stu dy among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 4. 4 REGRESSION ANALYSIS Regression is another technique for measuring the linear association between dependent and independent variables.It become as a subsequent after the correlation coefficient measure. Although regression and correlation are closely related, regression assumes the dependent variable is predicatively linked to the independent variable. The result of the Regression analysis were shown as below. Table 4. 4. 1 : Regressions – Model Summary Model Summaryb R Square Adjusted R Square . 753 . 750 Model 1 R . 868a Std. Error of the Estimate . 421 a. Predictors: (Constant), Mean Of Awareness, Mean Of Competency, Mean Of Perception b. Dependent Variable: Mean Of Acceptance 4. 4. 2: ANOVA ANOVAa Model Regression Residual Total Sum of Squares 106. 215 34. 781 140. 996 df 3 196 199 Mean Square 35. 405 . 177 F 199. 518 Sig. .000b 1 a.Dependent Variable: Mean Of Acceptance b. Predictors: (Constant), Me an Of Awareness, Mean Of Competency, Mean Of Perception 36 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 Table 4. 4. 3 : Coefficient Coefficientsa Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients B Std. Beta Error . 161 . 162 . 229 . 218 . 496 Model t Sig. Collinearity Statistics Tolerance VIF (Constant) Mean Of . 251 . 072 Perception 1 Mean Of . 229 . 055 Competency Mean Of . 522 . 069 Awareness a. Dependent Variable: Mean Of Acceptance .997 3. 502 4. 195 7. 535 .320 . 001 . 000 . 000 . 294 . 466 . 291 3. 406 2. 144 3. 437Regression analysis were employed to test the influence of three important variable of interest namely perception, competency and awareness. The r-square statistics in the model of summary is 0. 753 or 75. 3%. This implies that 75. 3% of the variation or changes in the dependent variable i. e. acceptance of Islamic hire purchase facility can be attributed to the three independent v ariables; however the remaining 24. 7% is not known and need further investigation. The significance level produced by the ANOVA table showed that the p value is less than 0. 05 implying that the model is valid and the result of the relationship is not by chance. Therefore we reject the null hypothesis.Finally, researcher found that the three independent variables, perception, competency and awareness have provided enough evidence to influence the acceptance of Islamic hire purchase facility. 37 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 4. 5 HYPOTHESIS TESTING Insignificant = Accept Null Hypothesis (Ho) / Reject Alternate Hypothesis (H1) Significant = Accept Alternate Hypothesis (H1) / Reject Null Hypothesis (Ho) P ; 0. 05 P ; 0. 05 After made several analyses to all variables for this study, all hypotheses should be discussed to determine its relevancy and whether it is supported or not. For this stu dy, Pearson Correlation Analysis was used to assess the relationship between independent and dependent variable.Hypothesis 1 (Perception) Ho: There is no significant relationship between acceptance of Islamic hire purchase facility among staff in Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan and perception. H1: There is significant relationship between acceptance of Islamic hire purchase facility among staff in Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan and perception. The result from Pearson correlation shows perception significantly has positive correlated to acceptance at the relationship (r =0. 789). Thus, significant relationship exists and the H1 accepted and reject the H0. Hypothesis 2 (Competency) Ho: There is no significant relationship between acceptance of Islamic hire purchase acility among staff in Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan and competency. H1: There is significant relationship between acceptance of Islamic hire purchase facility among staff in Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan and c ompetency. The result from Pearson correlation shows competency significantly has positive correlated to acceptance of Islamic hire purchase facility at the relationship (r =0. 724). Thus, significant relationship exists and the H1 accepted and reject the H0. 38 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 Hypothesis 3 (Awareness) Ho: There is no significant relationship between acceptance of Islamic hire purchase acility among staff in Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan and awareness. H1: There is significant relationship between acceptance of Islamic hire purchase facility among staff in Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan and awareness. The result from Pearson correlation shows awareness significantly has positive correlated to acceptance of Islamic hire purchase facility at the relationship (r =0. 837). Thus, significant relationship exists and the H1 accepted and reject the H0. 39 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5. 0 INTRODUCTIONThis chapter discusses the major findings of this study and to identify whether the finding met with the result conducted. Besides that, the researcher also gives some suggestions and ideas from the result. 5. 1 CONCLUSION In this research, hypothesis was initially tested by using the correlation coefficient to determine its significant level. From the analysis, the results indicated that all the three independent variables in the hypotheses were found to be significant at the 0. 01 level of significant at the (1 tailed). In order to substantiate the hypotheses, the multiple regression analysis was further analyzed. The R-square (R2) value of the model indicates 75. 3% of the variations explained the all independent variable whereas the remaining 24. % cannot be explained and needed further exploration in terms of other concepts which were not included in the study. As a conclusion, all the independent variables have relationship based on the correlation analysis. Awareness was the most factors determinant acceptance of Islamic hire purchase facility among staff in Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan followed by perception and competency. 40 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 5. 2 RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the findings result, the researcher has provided some of the recommendations for this study in order to overcome the problem faced.First of all, this research was successfully done to know the relationships between those independents and dependent variable. Perception Provide Islamic Hire Purchase facility (AITAB) information. Information about Islamic Hire Purchase facility should be easy to find by everybody because majority workers can effort to buy a car. Thus, information should be easily access by consume r in order to get a clear view about Islamic hire purchase facility. For example, Bank Negera Malaysia through website, information about Islamic Hire Purchase facility can be downloaded by anyone. Competency Training the staff Customer is

Monday, January 6, 2020

Essay about Act one Scene 3 of Fences - 1550 Words

The reason for why I chose to write about an excerpt from August Wilson’s Fences, is simply because I can relate to this scene better than anything else I’ve read this semester. This scene strikes close to my heart, because it is about life lessons taught through work. If there is anything I learned from my childhood it was hard work is the best teacher and when you have a father like mine there is plenty of work to do. This scene also displays a great situation where a young man must be taught about priorities, another lesson that was taught to me through work that I accomplished with my father. The portion of Fences that I will be discussing is act one scene three, a plethora of emotions along with life lessons are displayed in this†¦show more content†¦This leads to Cory having to tell his father that he currently is no longer working at the AP store. Troy becomes irate and proceeds to yell at Cory for quitting his job and not keeping up with his chores, all because he is worried about football. At this moment in the scene all of Cory’s dreams are shattered when Troy tells him that he will not be signing any recruiting papers for Cory. He goes on to explain that his son should be more worried about becoming book smart and working his way up in the AP store along with acquiring a trade like building houses or working on cars. That way when Cory gets older he will be able to do something that no one can take from him. The conclusion of this confrontations ends with Cory’s father telling him that he has to quit football and get another job. Now, for my favorite part of the whole scene when Cory asked his father why he didn’t ever like him. Troy’s initial reaction was startling to say the least, he opened â€Å"who in the hell said I gotta like you†. His father then tells him to come over here and straighten up when he is talking to him. He goes on to explain that he feeds Cory every day, puts a roof over his head, and puts clothes on his back. When asked why Troy does this for his son, Cory replies with â€Å"Cause you like me†. Troy explodes with anger and tells Cory that it’s his job to like him, its job to do right by him. He proceeds toShow MoreRelatedFences, By August Wilson895 Words   |  4 PagesFences written by August Wilson is an award winning drama that depicts an African-America family who lives in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania during the 1950’s. During this time, the Mason’s reveal the struggles working as a garbage man, providing for his family and excepting li fe as is. The end of segregation began, more opportunities for African American people were accessible. Troy, who’s the father the Cory and husband of Rose has shoes fill as a working African America man. 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